Thursday, July 11, 2013

Overweight and Irresponsible?

So why do parents have to criticize you about everything? I know that they love us and everything, but it seems as though my parents are  telling me to settle for any job I can get. I already have a summer job, and I just graduated and am looking for one in my field. Though it seems as though they are always hounding me, even though they have no idea about how hard I am working to find another job while I have this one...I mean seriously why do I want to stay in a house that people criticize me all the time? I don't. Also I have been having them hound me on my weight. Though working in retail, not having time to really eat anything, not being able to sit, and moving all the time at a fast pace isn't good enough for them. Seriously why is this happening? I don't understand why my parents have to hound me constantly I am almost 24 and you would think I would be able to make decisions for myself.

At this point I would take any job just so I can move out and be outside of the house. As a Christian I shouldn't get upset with others and I should honor my parents, but honoring isn't always agreeing with them, and it is respecting their decision enough to take it into consideration. But at the end of the day I have to do what is best for me, what I have prayed about and gotten an answer, and still understand and respect where my parents are coming from. It just upsets me when I have to hear every day that I am overweight and need to work out, and I feel as though they are hounding me and calling me fat. Seriously, and they wonder why I eat? Maybe it is because they hound me and are after me all the time, I feel that my life is at a stand still, and they don't respect my decisions. Does anyone else have this problem?

Sunday, June 23, 2013


So first, let me just say that this blog is mainly for my own purposes, so that I can vent when people don't think. To update you on myself first, I am 24 and I have to say that I am a Christian, I have a strong faith and belief in God, I believe that we can find anything from the bible still relevant today, even the Old Testament Laws.

On that note, this is pretty much what my argument with teenagers was about today...or should I say more like an attack. I posted some scriptures about tattoos, and piercings, which obviously most of what you say on facebook should be your own personal beliefs. So I thus got attacked by a girl who proceeded to call me a hypocrite. Then my boyfriend being the wonderful, amazing, sweet guy he is decided to defend me, as any good boyfriend should. Then another girl jumped in and they proceeded to call my boyfriend judgmental, hypocritical, playing God, etc. only for trying to defend me. All the while I was thinking they were still attacking me, only to find out later after they posted about 20 different messages total between the two, that they were posting about him. Since he is my boyfriend and those girls were my friends on facebook, I decided to stand up for him and tell them they needed to stop. They got upset with me, and they didn't even understand why I felt attacked saying that my post which clearly stated scriptures, and were for someone who asked me to post them (clearly), were hypocritical and showing lots of judgement and that the laws of the old testament were not relevant since Jesus had died on the cross. I ended up deleting the conversation since they were clearly not going to stop telling my boyfriend he was being God, and not taking the plank out of his eye, etc.

After all of this I sent them a message saying that it was for someone who asked me to post because they wanted to know where those scriptures were and they then again proceeded to jump down my throat saying that a lot of people were taking offense to that (which was funny because only those 2 commented, besides my boyfriend and I and everyone else seemed to "like" my status). Saying that I needed to have stated the purpose of why the verses were there instead of getting everyone worked up, and they then proceeded to throw statements at my boyfriend again. By this time you can imagine how livid I was. I had clearly stated the purpose of the verses when I posted them, they just didn't pay attention, and they were attacking my boyfriend whom was only standing up for me...seriously.

They then proceed to tell me how none of the O.T. (Old Testament) laws were relevant since Jesus came and died on the cross. Well they obviously have never read 2 Timothy 3:16 where it clearly states (in the New Testament, NT) that "All scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness." Why would we have all of the OT if it weren't still relevant and God didn't want us to try to follow it. I know we aren't perfect, we all make mistakes, but doesn't seem right. I have learned throughout my life that there is a purpose for everything, especially for what is written in the Bible. Why would it be here if it weren't.

I also distinctly remember one of them asking me how I would feel if I were in her friends place where she feels like she is going to hell for having tattoos and that she has no hope. Well apparently they don't know what has happened in my life. I was abused emotionally and mentally when I was 17-18 by my ex-boyfriend, who proceeded to figure out ways to manipulate me into doing what he wanted. I was going through severe depression around then, as well as when I was in middle school where I actually used to be suicidal and cut myself, I used to feel like I had no hope but also stated that my boyfriend nor I were being judgmental or condemning anyone to hell. So I calmly said to this situation that I  have been in her friends shoes more than once, and from my personal experience everything in the Bible has a purpose, as well as the main point of what I have gone through. They then proceeded to through other stuff at me, and continued to say bad things about my boyfriend and how I was the one who started it, when really they started it.

What is wrong with people today? Do we  really use common sense? Why would 2 Timothy 3:16 be in the bible if the whole thing wasn't relevant to us anymore? Why do people attack me for posting something for a friend? Why do they attack my boyfriend, and call both of us judgmental if he was just trying to stand up for me? I don't understand logic anymore.

You are of no obligation to read this, and if you have anything that is rude or malicious I would beg you to keep your comments to yourself. I know I won't always agree with everyone, as we all have our own opinions. If you did feel free to sit through this, thank you for your comments. Bear in mind this is my first blog besides the one for my class that I deleted.